Codru ST has 2 packaging assembly lines:
Packages are assembled according to the standards of export of horticultural products on international markets and can be customized to the requirements and needs of the client.
For packing 13 – 16 kg of apples. Apples are placed in two rows. The boxes are made of kraft cardboard imported from specialized factories. Codru ST has a wealth of experience packing apples in such boxes, which makes them a very good solution for transporting apples and placing them on store shelves for end consumers.
60 x 40 x 17 cm.
5 boxes in a row. The height depends on the maximum axle weight depending on the type of truck used.
Apples can be placed in boxes with or without alveolas.
Utilizarea alveolelor este recomandată pentru merele de calitate premium, acestea având un aspect estetic mai atrăgător decât celelalte mere, inclusiv datorită aranjării uniforme cu ajutorul alveolelor.
Ambalarea fără alveole este mai avantajoasă când obiectivul principal este volumul de mere transportate. Ambalarea fără alveole permite ca în fiecare cutie să fie plasată o cantitate netă mai mare de fructe.
For packing 18 kg of apples. Apples are placed in a five-row box with alveolas. The boxes are made of craft-grade cardboard, imported from dedicated factories. These boxes are intended for modern trade with countries where shipment is made by sea. Telescopic packaging has an increased resistance to external factors such as temperature fluctuations or environmental humidity (containers).
The net quantity of apples to be packed in such boxes is 18 kg. Another very important parameter is the number of fruits that can be stored in the box. It can not vary outside the preset values, for example: 100, 113, 125 apples in the box. The number of apples in the box is determined by the number of appropriate alveolas and the correct sorting of apples.
5 boxes in a row. The height depends on the maximum axle weight depending on the type of truck used.
Apples can be placed in boxes with or without alveolas.
Cutiile de tip standard sunt destinate transportului pe cale maritimă. În aceste cutii pot fi ambalate 18 kg de mere, în număr de 100, 113, 125, 138 și 150 de mere. Cantitatea de cutii care încap în container de 40 de picioare tip HQ – 980.
Cutiile de tip compact sunt puțin mai înguste și mai înalte decât cutiile standard. De asemenea, pot încăpea în ele 18 kg de mere net, în număr de 100, 112, 126, 138 și 150 de mere. Într-un container de 40 de picioare încap 1.120 de cutii.
The advantages of wooden boxes for packing apples is that apples can be collected directly in boxes and stored without using special containers for storing apples. This optimizes storage and packaging costs. Boxes are made of imported high-quality raw materials. The equipment is automated and eliminates the risk of errors.
Can hold from 14 to 16 kg of apples in net weight, depending on the type and variety.
50 x 30 x 24 cm.
8 boxes in a row. The height depends on the maximum axle weight depending on the type of truck used.
Apples can be placed in boxes with or without paper.
Hârtia este amplasată pe marginile laterale ale lăzii, pentru a evita provocarea daunelor la mere și pentru a le reda un aspect estetic mai plăcut.
La ambalarea fără hârtie sunt reduse costurile de ambalare.
The advantages of wooden boxes for packaging plums, cherries, apricots and table grapes is that fruits can be collected directly in boxes and stored in them until sold. This optimizes storage and packaging costs. Boxes are made made of imported high-quality raw materials. The equipment is automated and eliminates the risk of errors.
Can hold from 8 to 10 kg of products in net weight, depending on the type and variety.
50 x 30 x 12 cm.
8 boxes in a row. The height depends on the maximum axle weight depending on the type of truck used.